Sarah Rondeau '13

Hey Guys!

I got back to the Hill on Saturday and I can say it has been amazing!!! Classes started Tuesday and they were awesome too. I can’t say enough how excited I am to be back at school. I’m still settling, being in the first week back and everything, but I just wanted to say hey!

I have some good posts coming up! You won’t be disappointed!

Sarah xoxo

Hi guys!!!

So I’ve been enjoying my break but i do have to say five weeks is a little bit long! I’m starting to get the itch to get back to Holy Cross. We move in on the 24th and it can’t come any sooner. Im super excited for this semester, each one is a little bit different. So this semester I have a lot of new things on my plate, that is my first ever dance and art class and a position on an Eboard.

I’ll be taking basic dance, which I’m excited to try. Talk about pushing myself outside my comfort zone, i have two left feet! Hopefully this experience will help me get over my stage fright and fear of public speaking..after all we have an actual dance performance at the end!! I’m not as nervous about my art class, but i am definitely excited to explore my artistic side and see what I can do.

As for my Eboard postion I am now a part of the Admissions Outreach Eboard. This means that I have an increased role in the Outreach program (the program that conducts all of the events for prospective students!). This is my first larger leadership role on campus so it will be interesting to see what me and my team can do to improve our campus events and open houses for prospective students. Do you guys have any suggestions?

Anyways this is just a little bit about what I have coming up this semester. Can’t wait to get back on the Hill with some new posts for you guys!


Hi guys!

So it is almost time to get back on the Hill! Five weeks is a little bit long for break, I’ve mostly just been working out, spending time with my family and friends while they’re home for break too. Compared to Holy Cross, life at home is much slower and I’m starting to get antsy sitting here at home! Each semester is different, but I’m really looking forward to this one for a few reasons in particular. I guess you could say this is my semester of firsts.

My first time taking an art course, my first ever dance class (in my life), and my first leadership role on an Eboard!

This semester will definitely open my mind (and body) to new experiences and I really think i am going to grow by forcing myself to try new things. With art I hope i can view the world in new ways, see the little details in every day life I never noticed before. Hopefully I will develop an artistic eye (and hand) with Fundamentals of Drawing. As for dance, I am definitely going to boost my confidence (which will help me with my public speaking) and overcome any stage fright I have! I am really going to have to believe in myself to participate in this class, especially when it comes to our final performance at the end of the semester.

On another note, I am eager to get back to school to officially start my position on the Admissions Outreach Eboard. This means that four other students along with myself will have firsthand input and decision making power to influence all of our programs for prospective students. I can’t wait to start improving the open houses, greeting sessions, and online chats for all prospective students looking at Holy Cross! Do you guys have any suggestions? =D

Anyways these are just a few of the new things I will be embarking upon this upcoming semester. I can’t wait to share with you guys my final semester before senior year! (eek!)


So the Registrar finally put up everyones classes for this semester. This means 1. you get to stalk the people in your class and 2. second semester is really close!

What do I have on my plate this semester? I am taking three courses for my Studies in World Lit major and one for my math common requirement.

Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays I will be on my way to my lit courses Age of Elizabeth and then Monstrous European Romanticism. Interesting courses right? Age of Elizabeth explores the  “golden age” of the English Renaissance literature, and my European Romanticism class “aims to answer the question of whether madness creates the monster or if the monster causes madness.” Im super excited for both of these classes!

Tuesdays and Thursdays I have Philosophy of Literature, which i hope isn’t too boring, and Intro to Computer Science which I’m looking forward to. Since I do use a computer everyday I thought it would be interesting to  learn some basic computer programming and how computers work.

Anyways just thought I’d fill you in on what I’ll be up to this semester. Until next timeeee!

Hi Guys!

So I’ve been wanting to do this post for a while and I thought the start of the new year was a great occasion for this post.

I came to Holy Cross in 2009 as a quiet unconfident girl, little did i know my freshman year  at HC would change me so much. I know it sounds cliche but Holy Cross really did allow me to become the person I am today (and I’m still growing). Holy Cross has allowed me to experience things I never did before and put me into new (sometimes even daunting) situations that allowed me to find out who I am. By being put into so many new situations, whether it be an oral presentation, networking with alumni, or meeting a completely new group of people for the first time, I learned to believe in myself and who I am. I think the reason I love Holy Cross so much is because it allowed me to find the confidence i was always missing. That quiet girl who was once unsure of herself is a distant memory and I now find myself entering any situation with confidence, poise, and faith in myself. What makes this situation even more special is that I don’t think I could have found this confidence and personal growth at just any school. It’s like Holy Cross has the perfect combination of elements that I can’t exactly put my finger on. Theres something about being on this Hill and the people here that has changed me. The best part is I know i will only continue to grow with my time here. I am ready to take on anything with optimism, no matter what life decides to throw at me, because of how Holy Cross is shaping me.

I honestly cannot name many things I am truly passionate about, but what I do know is that Holy Cross is one of them. What this school has given me is something so invaluable and meaningful.

….AND now I am entering a new year with more confidence, excitement, and optimism than ever. I know that there is still so much out there for me to learn and experience at Holy Cross! I hope you guys can all eventually find what I have found at Holy Cross. Maybe this will be you’re year! Happy New Years!

Hey Guys! So I’ve finally settled in back at home and I’ve had some quality relaxation which was quite needed after finals.

So what exactly have I been up to? I’ve been sleeping ridiculously late (which i never do at school), lying in bed for absurd amounts of time (something i also never do at school), going to the gym, researching summer internships, catching up on all of my TV shows (which i sacrifice for homework at school), filling in at my family restaurant, seeing friends from home, and accomplishing all the leisurely activities that I never have time for at school such as shopping, going out to eat, and to the movies.

All in all break is always a nice time to come home, see my family and friends, and relax….for about the first two weeks. The boredom is going to hit me any day now.

To simply put it, I love being home but it is not nearly as exciting as Holy Cross!

Home VS. Holy Cross: The Top 3 Pros and Cons

Pros of Home                                            VS.                                  Pros of Holy Cross

-no homework or finals= no stress                                          -Always having a friend to hang out with/people to see

-Sleeping in late/long hot showers                                         -parties/the weekends

-My dog and family                                                                    – I just LOVE being at makes me happy!

Cons of Home                                         VS.                                    Cons of Holy Cross

-Not having my daily Cool Beans breaks                               -Making break too long (5 weeks!)

-no great people watching                                                        -Insane amounts of work –> mini breakdowns

-lack of a social life (compared to HC)                                  -There’s never enough time in the day

Anyways I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas, New Years is up next. I have a special post for that so get ready!

My dog Moo-Shu (named after the dragon in Mulan)

Its the end of the semester and you know what that means, i’m trying to spend all of my extra dining dollars, yes all $180 of them. In an attempt to spend my magical money I’ve made a new discovery: The Science Library Cafe.

Now this leads me to my question…which eatery is better on campus? The Sci Li Cafe or Crossroads?

Now Crossroads has always been a staple around campus. Between the salad bar/sandwiches and the fast food, Crossroads has options for all cravings. My personal favorite is the greek salad or roast beef sandwich. Crossroads also has a good location convienently located in Hogan for optimal people watching in Crossroads or at Cool Beans. However once 6:00 rolls around, Crossroads can get a pretty long line, and maybe its just me but the workers always seem to be so SLOW. I can’t watch the people make my food because after waiting ten minutes in line, having my toasted wrap sit on the conveyor belt for another good five minutes is a  bit frustrating. For those of us who are impatient or just in a rush, Xroads may not even be an option. Nonetheless Crossroads  overall continues to please students and all of their food desires.

The Science Cafe. Has anyone who is not a science major even eaten there? Every student should check it out at least once. The Science Cafe, with its glass and modern architecture,  has a much more pleasing atmosphere than Crossroads. You actually feel kind of  smart while eating there. Not only that, but the cafe offers a variety of  healthy sandwiches, soups, and wraps which really are good. Now i say “healthy” because if you think your making a diet friendly choice you’re probably mistaking. As good and fresh as the food is, some of the sandwiches have over 1,000 calories! While some of the food is actually healthy for you, most of the food gives the illusion of being healthy because its either “fresh, fair trade, or organic.” This leads me to my next point. Because the food is “fresh” and “organic” the cafe is pretty expensive. For those students who max out dining dollars like a credit card, the cafe may not be the best option. This aside, the Sci Li Cafe is a nice switch from Kimball or Crossroads from time to time.

My Science Cafe favorite= vanilla yogurt and granola

The Winner: In conclusion I think Crossroads is the better eatery on campus. Crossroads has better hours than the Cafe (being open for dinner) and is less expensive than the Sci Li Cafe. While the Cafe is a bit trendier and offers an eclectic mix of food (“arcs” and “naans”)  Xroads has an always reliable variety of tasty sandwiches, pizza, salads, and fried food.

Anyways I tend to visit both the cafe and Xroads frequently. Maybe I’ll spare ya some dining dollars. I can never seem to spend them all anyways!

Here are some pictures (they can probably describe my life better than i can right now)

In sum: Woo its December! Yay for Christmas on campus. The Kimball Christmas tree, an elf in the library, did someone steal Baby J from his manger? In the mean time I’ve been creepin on my friends at parties and hanging with my Japanese study owl for finals.


Hello Everyone!

So i am swamped with work this week but i figured I’d do a short update anyways!

Its the first day back from break and I’m already swamped with works and meetings. No easy transition back into school mode. The highlight of my day though was definitely greeting though in Admissions. Every Monday i work as a “greeter” in the Admissions office. This means I talk to prospective students and parents/answer questions while they wait for tours and interviews. Basically the same thing as blogging but in person so its even better!

Until next time!


  • November 24th, 2010

Hello Everyone!

Sorry its been so long since my last post! I’ve been super busy preparing to go home for Thanksgiving break! I got home last night and I must say it feels nice to be home. I needed a break from all the work, and I was also starting to miss my brother and my dog! Considering the fact that i never go home on the weekends (even though i only live 40 minutes away) i’m always ready to go home when we have the designated breaks.

Anyways let me recap a bit of my week for you. Last Thursday I met up with my little sister, that is my little sister as part of the Big Brothers Big Sisters program. Every week i go into Worcester and spend time with my little sister at her school. My little’s name is Christian and she in 4th grade. She’s adorable. When i go to visit her we usually play kickball, basketball, board games, or I’ll help her with her homework. It’s also fun to know that she will be my little for the next three years so we’ll become really close. I’ll have to post a picture of us sometime!

On Friday i was running around like a crazy woman even though i only had one class. I had two papers to turn in before break so Friday i went to two of my professors’ office hours. I really do think office hours are SO helpful. Even if I just have a quick question for my teacher I end up leaving with so many new ideas and directions for my paper. Result: A paper on the tragic downfall of Anna Karenina in judgmental aristocratic Russian society and a religion paper on Paul’s strategy to convert people to Christianity in the Acts of the Apostles. Lets hope i get A’s on these papers.

As for the weekend, Friday night i took the Woo Bus into Worcester with my roommate and some friends. We went out to eat on Shrewsbury Street which is really popular when parents come to visit their kids at HC. Saturday night my friends and I hung out with the lax bros (aka the lax team) on campus which was fun because we’ve never hung out with them before. On Sunday i was literally in the library ALL day hibernating in a cube (cubicle but we call them cubes) to get those papers done. On Tuesday night, the last day before break, my friends and I had a Ke$ha release party for her new album since we didn’t have any work due the next day. Out of the entire weekend I have to say Tuesday night was the most fun!

I must be going, off to the gym, i’ll be sure to do a Thanksgiving post soon!


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Sarah Rondeau '13

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