Student Blogs

The last semester before I’m a Senior

February 7th, 2012 slrond13

Hi guys!

So its the second semester of my junior year and I’m going to dub this semester “The Semester of Firsts.” Each semester is different, but this one is special for a few reasons in particular.

I am trying a ton of new things semester, mainly my FIRST time taking an art course, my first ever dance class (in my life), and my first leadership role on an Eboard! I know this semester will definitely open my mind (and body) to new experiences, and I really think i am going to grow by forcing myself to try new things.

It’s a little less than a month into the semester and I can tell you for sure I’ve already done things I’ve never even considered trying before. I painted my first self portrait in Fundamentals of Drawing and I have to say it didn’t come out half bad. I was pleasantly surprised. Right now we are currently working with cut outs and the idea of noton, that is your eyes flipping between the black and white shapes, its kind of like an optical illusion.

my cut outs and sketch book!

Basic Dance is pretty interesting too, to say the least!! Wow, on the first day of class we were practicing the five positions in ballet and learning a modern dance sequence. My body has moved in ways it has never moved before, hello pretzel twist turn! Dance has already started to improve my confidence and fear of stage fright, which will definitely help me with my public speaking. The other day we had to perform a court ballet sequence (think 14th century Europe and women in huge dresses at balls) on the steps of Dinand. This sounds pretty normal right, just performing a dance for our classmates on the library steps? Oh no. We had to do this dance as 11:50 right as everyone was going to and from their 11 and 12 o’clock classes! EVERYONE passes by the library and people were definitely staring at us. I even got a few texts from my friends saying the saw me dancing!

On another note, I have officially started my position on the Admissions Outreach Eboard. This means that four other students along with myself will have firsthand input and decision making power to influence all of our programs for prospective students. I’ve already held training sessions for new Outreach program members and have talked in front of the entire Outreach team, that is all the students who volunteer in Admissions with me! Hello responsibility. I can’t wait to start improving the open houses, greeting sessions, and online chats for all prospective students looking at Holy Cross! Do you guys have any suggestions? =D

Anyways these are just a few of the new things I’ve begun to embark upon this semester. I can’t wait to share more with you guys soon. Can’t believe this is my final semester before senior year! (eek!)


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