Hi Guys!
I’ve been loving Boston and I just finished up my internship at Mullen. So much has happened this summer and I know senior year is going to be amazing. I figured I’d take some time now to do a quick post and let you know how my summer went and what I’m looking forward to returning to HC!
Overall I could not be more happy with my summer internship experience and living in Boston. Not only did I get great experience for my resume, but I made great networking contacts, and got to experience all that Boston has to offer. Going back to Worcester I will definitely miss Newbury St., walking around the Fens (near Fenway), and strolling down the seaport during my lunch breaks at Mullen. Once I graduate I hope I’ll be back in the city!
Anyways, now back onto HC. I know this sounds cliche, but I can’t believe how fast time has flown by at Holy Cross. I feel like it was just yesterday I was moving into Mulledy as a freshman. As a senior, I can’t wait to live in Williams (the senior apartments) and have my own kitchen and living room. Hopefully my roomies and I will be doing lots of cooking and baking with our kitchen.
Senior year also means senior specific events. Hello Senior Ball, Hundred Days Ball, and Senior Week. From my friends who have recently graduated, I hear these events have made some of their best memories.
Class wise, I’m particularly looking forward to my Academic Internship class entitled Entrepreneurship with Prof. Chu (of the Pre-Business dept). Although this course will be a lot of work with an internship in addition to normal class, I am super pumped for my internship placement. I’ll be working with alumni Martha Sullivan, who i met at a networking event in Boston this past spring, helping her out with her marketing and communications firm Sullivan Communications. Martha’s clients are mainly restaurants, so paired with my marketing interest and family restaurant background, I know its going to be an awesome experience.
Now that I’ve written this post, I think its time for me to start packing up for HC.
Be in touch soon guys!
Sarah Rondeau '13