Now that Spring Weekend is over and finals week is upon us, I figured I’d take some time to reflect upon my junior year. I’ve come a long way since being a little freshman on campus. Maybe its because I’m about to be a senior and enter the real world, but I’ve definitely experienced the most personal growth this year. This year has also been the most fun, each year seems to consecutively become more fun (yes it is possible).
I think I’d like to track my growth at HC for you, so you can get a better idea of how I’ve ended up to be the person I am today!
-Freshman year= shy and less confidant tadpole swimming in a big Holy Cross ocean.
So freshman year is obviously a year of transition and adjustment. Everything is new, it just takes energy to get used to the college lifestyle and make friends! While freshman year was definitely a blast, it was the foundation for everything to come the next four years. I made some friends, started on finding out my interests, considered my major, joined a few clubs.
-Sophomore year= a frog in a medium sized pond
It felt so great coming back to Holy Cross sophomore year already knowing the campus and having friends. Sophomore year i was able to hit the ground running and take advantage of more things Holy Cross had to offer. I explored Worcester more, connected personally with my professors, became more involved in Admissions. I’d say sophomore year was when my friends and I really became true friends.
-Junior year= the biggest fish (in the same pond)
Junior year was amazing. By junior year you know tons of people on campus, my friends and I all turned 21, I felt like the campus (and the world) was at my fingertips. I always had something social to do, whether it be a party, hanging out, heading into Boston, or working on an event for a club. My mindset changed junior year. I kind of got over the party, party, party mentality and focused more on enriching my personal life at Holy Cross. I took courses I really enjoyed. From dance to Death and Seduction, I hand picked courses I knew i would love (by junior year you get good at that). I also further pursed my interests in Admissions and the Pre-Business program. I became a member of the Admissions Outreach Eboard, which was one of the best experiences I’ve had at HC thus far. I was able to really make a postitive difference in our outreach to perspective students and gain a larger leadership role. Another highlight was a Boston networking event with Alumni in the fields of marketing, advertising, and communications. Going into Boston for the event made me hopeful that I would one day be working in that city as a fellow HC grad.
Besides all of this, I think junior year I really just learned to take a step back and appreciate everything Holy Cross has given me. Freshman year is just a whirlwind, and sophomore year you are still running off that high. Junior year is more real, slightly more serious, but definitely my favorite year so far.
I can’t even begin to describe how excited I am for my senior year at Holy Cross!
Talk to you all soon!
Sarah Rondeau '13